Grounding Garden Gathering

Grounding Garden Gathering

We welcome you, to join us in community, to heal through grounding, past & future healing technologies, the power of connection, music & celebration.


Our focus is on wellness practices, connection to nature, land preservation and regeneration, transformative education, community development, environmental stewardship and cross-pollination regenerative business growth.

We inspire a network of innovative, wellness and spiritual events & living practices across the UK and beyond offering our gifts to the collective with Love as our Ally and Nature - Mother Earth - as our Bountiful Host.

We envision a future where people co-exist in balance and harmony with nature, where human beings remember we are born to be stewards of nature.

We see a fusion of ancient wisdom & healing practices along with enlightened technologies both new and old that are designed to support our species and all species thriving on our beautiful and abundant home - Planet Earth.

We see children and families playing, learning and thriving together, from wellness and transformative education to art and music in its many forms, we empower people to usher in a world that works for all - a nature based community that provides an affordable and holistic alternative to today’s current systems which are breaking down.
We see people from all walks of life coming together to recognise we all want the same things deep down - Connection, safe and well looked after spaces for creative practices of all kinds, good health and the abundant joy our hearts all know is possible in this life.


Our tribe welcomes all to co-create and play with us, we’re all a bit eccentric here and encourage people to be who they are and move forward beyond the conditioning of society which tells us we have to act in certain ways in order to be accepted and worthy.

We are partnering with those who are stewarding nature not exploiting it. From food forests & permaculture gardens to honouring all of nature and her eco-systems. We feel nature has the solutions to all the challenges we face embedded within her.

We are partnering with a plethora of practitioners who come with a wide range of healing modalities and technologies. From older technologies such as Tesla machines to the cutting edge healing technologies of today which understand we are all frequency and vibrational beings. We are focused on giving children all the tools they need to live healthy and happy lives that will allow them to move humanity forward in the best possible ways.